Monday, November 14, 2011

Rehearsal - 11/12/11

Huge progress today!  Finished the structure of the piece, which is now over 20 minutes long.  I am very happy with it.  The piece is entitled "Silent Counting" after an inside joke that the dancers and I have after Mati requested to count in his head.  The video below is to dummy, random music, although I do love where "You Belong to Me" comes in at Mati and Allison's duet.

Silent Counting - First Run

I am really looking forward to seeing the piece this upcoming weekend and working out all of the transitions (which in my opinion is the weakest part of the piece).  I also need to figure out the music.

Very exciting times!

Monday, November 7, 2011

New Me

New Me

Title: Birth on Red Couch

Statement of Intention:  To explore the opposite of my choreographic self.

Objects: 1 performer, 1 red couch, 1 purple blanket

Direction: The performer begins completely covered by the blanket and slowly emerges from it.

Conclusion:  The performance concludes when the he has emerged from the blanket.

Reflection: For this assignment, we were asked to find "the opposite of our dancing self."  This proved more challenging than our other assignments, as I have made a conscientious effort to explore throughout my choreographic journey; if my last piece was a high-energy group piece, my next one would be a contemplative solo, the one after that would be an abstract trio, etc.  In the end, I gleaned inspiration from one of my peers, Kelly Southall, whose solo this summer was very much the opposite of what I think of as dance.  It was interesting, intense, and hard to watch.  It made me squirm in my seat and I felt that if art can illicit that kind of reaction, then it is successful, whether or not it is one's own personal taste.  I decided to use stillness and suspension and nudity and color.  It is very low energy, which to me is new.  I guess this dance is a new me that I can use to push myself as a performer.